Sunday, January 10, 2016

Rescue ME

In Memory of Kit~~11-18-2012 to 5-23-2014
~Lessons From My Rescue~
Trust cautiously, but once it’s earned, jump.
Greet like it’s been forever.
Appreciate each meal, even if it’s the same thing every day.
Exercise like it’s fun, not a chore.
Believe in the family bed.
Kiss often.
Protect loved ones.
Have faith in in humanity.
Keep love uncomplicated.
Say goodbye like it’s the last time.
Live each day like it’s your last.
This site is about education, but what better education than lessons from a dog?  My Kit Kat has been on my mind so much lately.  Such a short life, but such an impact on our world.  She helped me in so many ways, one of which was to finish my middle grade novel about a boy who befriends a boy with Autism with help from his dog, Daisy.  I can't give away more of the plot...God willing you will see it on bookshelves!  And maybe a movie, if I'm lucky.